Harmonic Movement
The Harmonic Movement is a half-day course based on BioSignatures which are linear energy patterns of an organ function developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim for the purpose of health harmonisation within the body.
When these patterns are placed within the body’s peripheral energy, they resonate with that organ function to amplify its energy and instantaneously correct the flow of energy and balance the organ function on the energy level.
And even more so, while listening to the Sirius Odyssey harmonising music, Harmonic Movements allow the whole body to flow through each BioSignature pattern in the chosen BioSignature set. The Sirius Odyssey music helps provide overall energetic balance in the space and the BioSignatures helps balance specific organ functions related to the chosen set. Once you learn Harmonic Movements, you can practice on your own as a self-care and health maintenance routine.
Duration: Half-day: 3 hours in total comprising: theory lecture, movement routine, balancing at rest, and integration
Class Schedule: to be announced
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