TAI CHI – To be Balanced:
Tai Chi, also known as shadow boxing, consists of a sequence of traditional Chinese movements, which are remarkably smooth and flowing and are accompanied by a harmonious breathing pattern. Students of Tai Chi learn to practice Tai Chi with focused concentration. The movements are soft, gentle, and gracious. Tai Chi can be used for healing and gaining Chi, much like Chi Kung. When practicing Tai Chi one constantly moves along with a series of steps, moving hands, and feet in unison.
Tai Chi has proven positive effects on the nervous system, breathing, circulation, and digestion. SKEMA Philippines teaches the standardized 24-step “Peking Form” among others…
CHI KUNG (Qi Gong) – For better Health:
In ancient times, the art of Chi Kung was practiced mainly by the emperor, generals, and monks in Asia. Chi Kung can be described as Asian health gymnastics. It is older than western history and known in many countries of the world by different names.
The main goal of Chi Kung is holistic body movement. The harmonious movements of Chi Kung practiced tranquility, in combination with breathing. This makes Chi Kung accessible to people of all ages. Chi Kung promotes health in different ways like improved digestion, cellular regeneration, blood pressure regulation, and relaxing tensions.
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