At first glance, they might look like ordinary plastic pipes, but first impressions can be deceiving. They are in fact, very powerful tools that induce relaxation and healing. The SKEMA energy pipe was created by SKEMA founder, Sifu Suny Kamay in 2010 as a supportive martial arts “tool” to access the vital/life force energy “chi” in a fast way. Each pipe is different. Some may contain organic and/or inorganic materials and every pipe produces different energy frequencies. By simply holding a pipe (that is most suitable for a person’s needs at that particular time) for a prescribed period, “chi energy is generated in the person equal to an hour of Chi Kung workout. This energy is a balancing force in the body. It rapidly produces relaxation and creates the optimal conditions for a person to recover from tiredness, tensions, and discomforts by allowing vital life force energy to circulate harmoniously.
These pipes were scientifically and medically tested in a sleep laboratory in Switzerland – “Zurich Höhenklinik”. The influence of the SKEMA energy tubes on brain waves, eye movements, muscle tone, breathing, and thoracic and abdominal movement was measured. Within a few minutes of the initially relaxed waking state, the subjects reached a measurable deep relaxation or REM-like sleep state. The experts in the sleep laboratory were amazed that this is even possible. According to them, you cannot get into the so-called REM sleep while you are still awake and still physically moving. They were amazed by the results and wanted to try the SKEMA energy pipes on themselves right away.
But what is even more amazing is this: we at Kalipay Wellness Center have been experimenting with combining different healing modalities to address the particular health needs of people. And we have experienced very positive results when SKEMA energy pipe sessions are combined with BodyTalk Energy medicine! The balancing and harmonising effect has upgraded to the next level and has exceeded the usual outcomes. We have been pilot-testing for more than 1 year, and all who took part in this healing combination process only have great things to say about it.
For the entire month of April 2023, all BodyTalk In-Person appointments will have a FREE SKEMA energy pipe session. You are invited to try this AMAZING energetic synergy and healing.
You may contact us to schedule a BodyTalk Session appointment. BodyTalk Session Price: 1,200/person. A Bodytalk Session may last from 30 minutes to 1 hr and a SKEMA energy pipe session may last from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the needs and priorities of each individual.