What is ChiKung (QiGong)? The regular practice of ChiKung has a comprehensive effect: it activates and supports the self-healing powers and the flow of life energy. ChiKung promotes mobility…
At first glance, they might look like ordinary plastic pipes, but first impressions can be deceiving. They are in fact, very powerful tools that induce relaxation and healing. The SKEMA…
SKEMA TAI CHI: To be Balanced TaiChi, also known as shadow boxing, consists of a sequence of traditional Chinese movements, which are remarkably smooth and flowing and are accompanied by…
The Mountain Temple at Kalipay Wellness Center is opening soon for all who are seeking balance in their lives. People come here to harmonize their energies, empower themselves and achieve well-being. The temple is at Maayongtubig, Dauin, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
What is better: TaiChi OR ChiKung (QiGong)? This is a frequently asked question… Well, let’s find out! Finding “the right thing” – TaiChi or ChiKung – for yourself depends on…
The breath is the bridge between body, mind, and emotions – everything takes place within you. Why do we put so much emphasis on breathing? Breathing is the connecting link…