What clients are saying…
“It’s truly hard to describe the profoundly transformational effects I experienced through my body talk sessions. I went into my first session during what was the most emotionally & spiritually tumultuous time in my life but also following a horse riding accident. So needless to say I was able to see significant changes in my body and life from the first session. Perhaps the most dramatic change I experienced was the lifting of a depressive veil that I have carried for as long as I can remember. Something which I feared I would bare my entire life. A more subtle change that I experienced but also profound was the intimate connection I began to establish with my body as an intelligence over the course of our sessions. It is hard to articulate what that connection feels like, but it was something that I (and I presume many adults) felt to be lost as I grew up. Being able to re-establish that connection has given me a feeling of coming home, safety in one’s own body that to me is more invaluable than anything else. For that, I am extraordinarily grateful to Penelope and her facilitation of this powerful modality of healing.” – Sabrina Viitasaari
“Tive a minha primeira sessão de BodyTalk por curiosidade, queria entender melhor, saber o que é BodyTalk, imediatamente logo após a sessão me senti mais tranquilo, mais leve de certa forma, e esse sentimento de tranquilidade me fez pensar melhor a respeito do meu corpo e mente, me fez entender melhor. Nos dias seguintes senti menos a pressão e o estresse que o dia a dia e o trabalho pode nos causar,e sim mais o sentimento de estar sempre saudável!
Desde que conheci BodyTalk através da Penélope sinto que a vida pode ser vivida de uma forma mais fácil e mais saúdavel. Sempre que sinto que meu corpo e mente precisam de equilíbrio busco ajuda com BodyTalk. Obrigado Penélope e obrigado BodyTalk” – Junior Marcelo
“As a homeopath, I am familiar with energy medicine and the understanding that the body knows how to heal itself. When I had my first BodyTalk session during a time of stress in my life, and felt the tremendous relief that came from being ‘reset’, I knew that this is a form of energy medicine to be reckoned with! I have enjoyed traveling the path with Penelope and receiving regular sessions for various reasons ranging from simply a ‘tune up’ to specific work on a bad tooth. Never has a treatment failed to produce a response, sometimes shockingly powerful, other times slowly and gently. I highly recommend this form of exploration of one’s health and healing journey.” – Linda Brubacher
“Quando fiquei sabendo do bodytalk pelo meu esposo fiquei curiosa e fiz minha primeira sessão com Penélope. Foi incrível ouvir meu corpo falando,após a sessão me senti com tanta energia e meu corpo coração radiante. Aprendi a ouvir o meu corpo a pedir ajuda quando não está bem. E incrível como podemos curar nossos traumas e balancear nosso corpo com o bodytalk. A cada sessão que faço com Penélope me sinto cada vez melhor.e indico com toda certeza que bodytalk e fantástico!” – Andreia Silva
“Penny puts her heart and soul into any work she does and I’ve felt her passion in our Bodytalk sessions. I really admire her professionalism. She works tirelessly to develop her craft. Her mastery of Mindscape allows her to broaden and deepen her Bodytalk practice. The details and depth she sees are amazing. Her generous and creative spirit shows through her practice.” – Judy Mapua Dytiandu