The children of Bata ng Calabnugan orphanage (all female) had the opportunity to look into the wide world of martial arts for several Sundays of 2020 – 2021, during exclusive classes with Abay Markus of SKEMA Philippines.
With various exercises and techniques for attack and defense, Abay Markus trained the students for dangerous situations that they may encounter. The aim of these lessons was to defend oneself against opponents with simple means and gender-appropriate applications. While the principles of self-defense are the same for men and women, applications may differ. For example, a man uses a fist punch, while the woman performs the same attack with the palm of her hand because of a rather finer wrist – to protect the wrist stability.
The demonstrated techniques of the SKEMA Martial Arts Academy make optimal use of the biomechanics of the body. Skilfully shifting the body weight and vertically rotating the spine makes it possible to defend oneself, even against stronger opponents. If the counter-attacks are also aimed at neuralgic points of the body (e.g. nose, genitals, or larynx), this results in a highly effective self-defense, which can be practiced regardless of gender and built.
“The self-defense afternoon classes were a perfect activity during the Corona period. The girls each went into a new week exhausted but at the same time strengthened with self-confidence and new impressions and experiences …”