SKEMA TAI CHI: To be Balanced

It involves slow deliberate movements of the whole body combined with a controlled transfer of body weight.
Studies show that regular practice of Tai Chi has the following benefits:
* Improves blood pressure and reduces cardiovascular risk factors
* Improves brain health and cognition
* Improves posture, and balance and prevents falls
* Improves strength and mobility
* Improves mood
* Improve sleep quality
* Improve joint health and reduce pain in people with osteoarthritis
* Supports the immune system to work effectively
TaiChi, also known as shadow boxing, consists of a sequence of traditional Chinese movements, which are remarkably smooth and flowing and are accompanied by a harmonious breathing pattern. Practicing TaiChi requires very focused concentration.
TaiChi has a positive effect on the bodily organs, helps prevention of illnesses, and has meditative qualities.
TaiChi represents the primal state of the cosmos in Taoist philosophy. It is the source of heaven and earth, of Yin and Yang. The movements are soft, gentle, and gracious.
TaiChi can be used for healing and gaining Chi (life[force]energy), much like ChiKung. When practicing TaiChi one constantly moves along with a series of steps, moving hands and feet in unison, – compared to ChiKung: where most sequences are stationary.
Due to its illness-preventing – and health improvement qualities TaiChi is quickly gaining popularity.
TaiChi has proven in many medical studies positive effects on the nervous system, breathing, circulation, and digestion.